Welcome to Polar View
Polar View delivers information about sea ice and icebergs direct to ships operating in the Arctic region. We use several types of satellite imagery to deliver a comprehensive, detailed and up to date picture of sea ice extent and distribution.
To get started using the site, select a particular view from the carousel below. These views comprise groups of related sea ice information products which you can visualise on the map. The views are a starting point only - you can view a whole range of different products alongside one another too. These are listed in the left hand panel under "Available datasets". Use the check boxes to the left of the product name to show the data.
Met.no ice charts
Andrew to write some text here about the charts being out of date...
July 2014. The Sentinel-1 satellite is currently in orbit and the commissioning phase is expected to be completed in the next couple of months. When the first SAR imagery is available, it will automatically be available through this interface.